Holly Stone

Welcome to Web Developer Boot Camp! Are you ready to dream in code?

Well it’s the end of week 2 of learning to become a web developer and I have been tasked with writing a blog using jekyll, bootstrap, and some basic css and html. Sound intriguing? Sounds like a challenge to be, and I love challenges! A few weeks ago, I had absolutely no idea what these tools were and here I am using them on a daily basis. Our cohort has been learning new tools to create web pages and applications. We will work to solve real world challenges while learning and creating using html, css, javascript, php, and other web developer tools.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, terrified because you sent work up to the main branch on Github, when it was supposed to go to a different branch? Or suddenly figured out that mornings HackerRank challenge in the midst of a coding dream? Neither had I until I began this journey. The amount of information is daunting and understanding the reason for the technologies can become confusing. However, the main thing I have learned so far in bootcamp, is that there is always an answer and getting to it may involve some research and trial and error, but code is complex but mendable.

The best part of my journey so far has been learning to learn. Beginning a new career after 10 yeas in social work has it’s own unique challenges. The first week of boot camp, my brain was so foggy by the end of each day that I would forget mundane things. Week 2 has been much better and I am finally getting into the framework of learning again. Practice seems to reinforce the ideas and concepts discussed during the classwork and helps me to problem solve on my own after the class day is done.

I will use this blog to update new technologies that we have learned and how we have applied them. I will looks at the highlights and struggles of learning to code as an adult, as learning later in life can be challenging. I’m ready for the challenge and am excited to learn as much as I can over the next 10 weeks. Ready… Set… Go!